amalgamated in 19">

51- 982688 Branches were founded by loyalists"" in Sydney in response to the General Strike of 1917 and amalgamated in 1919."

52- Today music, as it becomes continually more complicated, strives to amalgamate the most dissonant, strange and harsh sounds.

53- 237192 From 1926 it was known as the amalgamated Postal Workers' Union (APWU), covering postmen, sorters and linesmen. 63.97

54- In 1933, Birtle-with-Bamford was dissolved with Bamford being amalgamated into the Metropolitan Borough of Rochdale in 1974.

55- And secondly, in March the London Stock Exchange was to (formally) amalgamate with the 11 British and Irish regional exchanges.

56- Early years O'Hara attended St. Paul's College in Auckland and played for the Bay Roskill Vikings when they amalgamated in 1979.

57- In May 1846, the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway was refused permission to amalgamate and it decide to withdraw on 31 December 1846.

58- Comprehensive In 1981 it amalgamated with the Bishop Vaughan Secondary School to become Notre Dame Comprehensive School for Girls.

59- In 2001, Colborne and Cramahe Township were amalgamated as part of municipal restructuring to form an expanded Township of Cramahe.

60- From 1972 all the former C of E churches in Collyhurst and Monsal were amalgamated into a new benifice of The Church of the Saviour.

61- Founded in 2003 by Douglas Cameron, Jason Gaboriau and Charles Rosen, amalgamated is a full-service ad agency and brand consultancy.

62- " The Concise Household Encyclopedia (ca. 1935), amalgamated Press Ltd, London Once cooked, however, it has a lighter flavour. 63.1026

63- In January, 1876, the two southern mines were amalgamated under the name Great Cobar and the township of Cobar grew alongside the mine.

64- As railway companies amalgamated, so the number of members reduced; until it had just one member, the British Transport Commission (BTC).

65- The mayor was a strong critic of the 'Super City' proposals which would see North Shore City amalgamated into a larger Auckland authority.

66- 581414 The Hellenic Army Air Service and Hellenic Naval Air Service were amalgamated into a single service, the Hellenic Air Force. 13.5594

67- 989519 The Ridgeway and Cottonwood branches were eventually amalgamated when the City of Coquitlam built the Poirier Branch in 1989. 37.2247

68- Fredericton has used a 12-ward system since it was amalgamated in 1973, but some wards are now much larger than others.

69- Nonetheless, the president of amalgamated Transit Union Local 587, Paul Bachtel, said he worries about safety of fare officers.

70- The president of the amalgamated Transit Union, however, suggested that Saskatoon Transit is well-aware that the bus mall attracts children.

71- 409139 It's the Queen Elizabeth, after all, and the build has all been amalgamated with the other yards and everyone's been working together."

72- Back then, the provincial government at the time allowed towns that were forced to amalgamate to hold referendums on whether or not to demerge.

73- 587147 Robert Kelly, president of the amalgamated Transit Union Local 308 that represents the operators, could not be reached immediately for comment.

74- Today music, as it becomes continually more complicated, strives to amalgamate the most dissonant, strange and harsh sounds.

75- On 1 July 1972, the communities of Hambach, Niederlibbach, Orlen and Wingsbach were amalgamated into the town of Taunusstein.

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