26- He was appointed to the esteemed position of ambassador to the United States, after a lengthy career in British politics.

27- The ambassador was branded as sexist as a result of his comments regarding the need for women to stay at home, and raise children.

28- In April of 1977, Peruvian troops stormed the Japanese ambassador's residence in Lima, freeing 71 hostages being held by guerrillas.

29- The Cuban ambassador has made a formal protest to the American government for its encouragement of political dissent in that country.

30- The President said that he discussed human rights violations with that country's ambassador during his recent visit to the White House.

31- Our country's ambassador to France made a formal protest to the French government after they tested a nuclear device in the South Pacific.

32- The British government sent the foreign ambassador home in protest against that country's arrest of a British citizen on charges of spying.

33- On February 14, 1979, the American Embassy in Iran was stormed by demonstrators, who held the ambassador and staff captive for several hours.

34- Public pressure is mounting to deport the foreign ambassador as a result of an accident in which he seriously injured a local woman while drunk driving.

35- The Martian ambassador to Earth has warned that his government will not tolerate the continued destruction of the environment of his planet by our astronauts.

36- The U.S. will be represented by its ambassador to China, Max Baucus.

37- This has allowed the club to present itself as a national ambassador.

38- Vigano was eventually transferred to Washington to become ambassador.

39- Q: What led you to apply for the principal ambassador fellow position?

40- ambassador Jones was also not made available for comment on this report.

41- Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz also expressed displeasure with the ambassador.

42- "The first couple times, I always said, 'I'm here to get the ambassador.'

43- "Dettmar Cramer was known worldwide as an ambassador for German football.

44- Four Americans died in the attack, including US ambassador Chris Stevens.

45- Even Germany's ambassador to India, Michael Steiner, has become involved.

46- In August 2013, I started my job as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

47- 291503 He was a credit to his country and a world ambassador for the game."

48- From 1984 to 1988, Netanyahu was Israel's ambassador to the United Nations.

49- The meeting was taking place at the Swedish ambassador's home in Washington.

50- 4. Al Hussein was Jordan's ambassador to the US and Mexico from 2007 to 2010.

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