26- If Japan ever felt ready to back Son's ambitious plan, this is the moment.

27- After that, ambitious rivals and high rollers came to the desert in droves.

28- Ninety percent of the time, ambitious bloggers like Bellingcat get nowhere.

29- That ones also an ambitious take on another carnivorous concept, fast food.

30- The goal is more ambitious than the 30 percent cut he called for last year.

31- Top emitters China and the US both claim their national plans are ambitious.

32- We also heard about the fast closure of ambitious Oakland Grand Fare Market.

33- AusCorp Connect is Australia's most ambitious and dynamic outsourcing provider.

34- 'He's overly ambitious, too young, and I have better hair than he does, right?'

35- This time, ambitious scientists bring a never-before-seen dinosaur back to life.

36- AusCorp Connect are Australia's most ambitious and dynamic outsourcing provider.

37- To match this, Ortiz says Ecuador needs an ambitious sexual education programme.

38- If China is ambitious, this may encourage other countries to step up their plans.

39- The government's target of three million new apprenticeships is an ambitious one.

40- Some will say that it was his family, his health, his board, ambitious employees.

41- I get to help and struggle with an ambitious vision of what is possible for kids.

42- The left proposes some ambitious new plan that's going to give everyone a unicorn.

43- Digital Spy also spoke positively of the episode, labelling it 'mad and ambitious'.

44- The UNAIDS Fast-Track approach set ambitious targets for countries to reach by 2020.

45- Her case: The "more ambitious proposal of $15 wouldn't be realistic on Capitol Hill."

46- The agenda outlined today is an ambitious one, but it is not one forged in isolation.

47- Jackson had just graduated from Ridgeview High School in 2010 and had ambitious plans.

48- The state entangles its nationally ambitious politicians in its never-ending probleMs. Briana is an inspiring, ambitious, wonderful person and I feel lucky to have "met" her.

49- 950310 Women are more independent, more ambitious; they work harder to enhance themselves.

50- 520170 Now we have that proof, Siivanza says of Virunga's ambitious clean energy project."

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