76- Be ambitious not for money or for selfish aggrandizement , not for that evanescent thing which men call fame.

77- One of these schemes is an agro-industrial project, ambitious by any standards and quite amazing in a poor country ground down by war and economic blockade.

78- In the religiouscult trial, the ambitious lawyer will represent the cult leader.

79- She is a very ambitious person, and will do anything to achieve success.

80- He was ambitious of success in business.

81- They say that he was ambitious when young.

82- Kazuo is an ambitious young man.

83- ScottBoys, be ambitious.

84- John has very ambitious plans to make this part of our state a major bicycle tourism destination in North America.

85- His next production was a very ambitious musical.

86- He was ambitious of political fame.

87- He is ambitious to succeed.

88- If Apple Computers had planned their strategy a bit more ambitiously, they might have been able to capture the share of the market now held by Microsoft.

89- Chen has started an ambitious project to build 6 large shopping complexes in the country over the next two years.

90- Man may well, in his attempt to be too ambitious, destroy himself.

91- In 1995, the government of China approved an ambitious five-year plan promising an end to poverty in the country.

92- Be ambitious, children.

93- She was very ambitious for her children.

94- All of which raises a provocative question: What would a truly ambitious plan to tackle climate change look like?

95- And it's a complex theater made up of beautiful, strong, ambitious people with strong characters."

96- Competence breeds confidence, and successfully achieving ambitious goals motivates them to do it again.

97- Some firms have even more ambitious plans for health technology.

98- Sometimes a new employee's over-ambitious, she said."

99- There are plenty of bike-rental shops for those ambitious enough to cycle the peninsula.

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