1- If Katsumi is not allowed to have his own way, he easily gets angry.

2- One condition of the inmate's parole is that for two years he is not allowed to enter any establishment that serves alcohol.

3- He is not allowed to talk to anyone under age 17, other than immediate family.

4- He is not allowed to travel, and the Iranian media are not allowed to quote him.

5- Mohammed earns a bit extra by doing informal jobs, but is not allowed to work legally.

6- And it is not allowed to operate in Jerusalem, where much of the trouble is taking place.

7- He is not allowed to drink alcohol, consume drugs or drive under the terms of his probation.

8- His children have been taken away from him by the Australian government and he is not allowed to visit or even call them, Monis wrote.

9- In the meantime, Brown is not allowed to have any contact with Frederic except for at town meetings and is not allowed to go to his home.

10- The hospital is not allowed to screen for genes associated with long QT syndrome because a U.S. company has patented the test and the genes.

11- During his suspension, Mr. Barron is not allowed to attend district functions, including an annual banquet where retiring teachers are honored.

12- Richard Bejtlich, chief security strategist for FireEye and a former Air Force intelligence officer, said he is not allowed to comment on clients.

13- Check the latest average processing times According to the rules, Norm Douglas, an American citizen, is not allowed to work in Canada while he waits.

14- It is not allowed to build houses with more than 2 floors.

15- Once sanitized, bedding is not allowed to drape to the floor.

16- Among other things, a Strausswirtschaft is not allowed to offer lodging or engage in trade.

17- Mega subtly threatens Baby Bray and Amber tries to flee but is not allowed to leave the city.

18- Body Protection An SCA fencer is not allowed to show any bare skin when entering the list field.

19- One is not allowed to change one's mind from one Itikaf to another of the same qualities or different.

20- For example, a male can visit the dormitory of a female, although he is not allowed to stay overnight.

21- He or she travels to Oakfield and finds Hammer, a priest who is upset at the fact she is not allowed to fight.

22- The athlete has to dive to the depth following a guide line that he or she is not allowed to actively use during the dive.

23- Although he is not allowed to move his hips, Presley wiggles his pinky, still managing to make girls in the audience go wild.

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