1- We must make allowance for his age.

2- You must make allowance for his inexperience.

3- We must make allowances for her youth.

4- You should make allowances for her age.

5- We ought to make allowances for his difficult situation.

6- When you employ him, you must make allowances for his youth.

7- In judging his work, you should make allowances for his lack of experience.

8- Do insurers make allowances for this scenario?

9- Other groups make allowances for man-made fabrics.

10- Please make allowances for this, thank you.

11- One must also make allowances for differences in culture and education.

12- Next day, I make allowances for the helper module.

13- Oh, really, oh shall we make allowances for him.

14- But Ruth was in no mood to make allowances for Hester.

15- I used to make allowances for the way he was brought up.

16- While this showed character, nobody was prepared to make allowances for it.

17- They're not prepared to er to make allowances for that? disgraceful.

18- You have to make allowances for the fact that everything we see tonight is real.

19- Thai make allowances for men who follow this practice, such as holding open a job.

20- I hope they make allowances for trips to the grocery store, mall or the movies.

21- Anticipate potential future utility systems before they are widely implemented and make allowances for their eventual installation.

22- make allowances for paths, borders, etc. It's fascinatingly interesting after you get started.

23- Please apply in advance and make allowances for mailing time and diagnostic tests for H5 avian influenza.

24- And of course the same is true of shop assistants so do please make allowances for human error.

25- We must make allowances for the fact that, being a man, he is likely to err.

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make allowances for in a sentence