1- We must make allowance for his age.

2- My son keeps blowing his allowance on candy.

3- You must make allowance for his inexperience.

4- Make allowance for souvenirs on the return trip.

5- His grandfather lives on an allowance from his son.

6- I am given a monthly allowance of fifty thousand yen.

7- I approached my father about an increase in allowance.

8- He was paid one million dollars in retirement allowance.

9- My parents rely on my monthly allowance of fifty thousand yen.

10- Her father can afford to give her a big allowance every month.

11- When a small boy is helping you, you must make allowance for his age.

12- The lawyer asked the judge to make allowance for the age of the accused.

13- My neighbor's kids have to do chores every day in order to earn their allowance.

14- My children receive $7 a week as an allowance, which they use for entertainment.

15- The day after tomorrow I will urge my mother to leave an allowance of yen at my disposal.

16- You have a baggage allowance of one suitcase and one carry-on bag per person for the flight.

17- Discussion question: Do you think children should earn their allowance by doing chores around the house?Discussion question: Do you think that children should do chores around the house in order to earn their allowance?It should be noted that the duty continues after a notice of allowance is mailed and the issue fee is paid.

18- My son's hobby of collecting Pokemon cards has become an obsession that regularly costs him his entire weekly allowance.

19- Personally, I think spanking a child, and taking away his allowance is drastic punishment for a simple thing like taking cookies without asking.

20- The key to a successful allowance is structuring it right from the outset.

21- Married couples and civil partners can pass the allowance on to each other.

22- He will receive a transitional allowance package worth approximately $150,000.

23- Dobrindt is in favor of simply allowing VW to apply for a new model allowance.

24- Additionally, the law makes no allowance for pot use on a liquor license premise.

25- Any funds that remain after an allowance for future claims and costs go to charity.

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