51- They too are denied a spousal allowance, but on the basis of their "non-spousal status".

52- Suggested that a start should be made with the Caliph and he should get the highest allowance.

53- Each crew member and GT has three statistics: Attack Dice, Constitution and Movement allowance.

54- Discount and allowance types The most common types of discounts and allowances are listed below.

55- He was fortunate in having an allowance of £10 a week from his father, but could not obtain work.

56- In return, they receive a reasonable allowance, experience in another culture, and a private room.

57- Numbers dropped from the introduction of "children's allowance" payments that started in the 1940s.

58- Pilots receive an extra- clothing allowance, although alcohol and cigarettes are strictly rationed.

59- Antoine's 'fiance', who is paid an allowance by his mother to continue the appearance of dating him.

60- Still, the Constitution makes allowance for the continued existence of bourgeoisies and corporations.

61- Her father gave her the then staggering sum of £100,000 as a dowry plus an annual allowance of £28,000.

62- Publishers are restricted to 14 text updates each month, with a maximum daily allowance of three texts.

63- Moreover, his viewpoint made no allowance for religious belief, which could not be supported scientifically.

64- Apart from the meagre allowance that had been sanctioned in his favour, Umar took no money from the treasury.

65- However, some forces have implemented a bounty or allowance in order to attract and retain Special Constables.

66- He had never received the double housing allowance, he insisted, and could not afford to buy another property.

67- If they exceed their allowance the user is charged every further time they are detected within another timeslots.

68- After being refused more money to buy food one day (having spent his day's allowance elsewhere) Miles quit the band.

69- He followed that score with another win at Keeneland again at eight and a half furlongs in an allowance race in 1:44.10.

70- Richardson, Ralph UXL Encyclopedia of World Biography, FindArticles.com His father supported them with a small allowance.

71- Other stochastic frequency allocation may ease the thrive for results, but normally coincide with lower allowance for power.

72- The playing surface (measured between the noses of the cushions) is 2.84 meters by 1.42 meters with a 5 millimeter allowance.

73- Gibson complied and Stanley used the letters to attempt to obtain from HM Treasury foreign currency above the usual allowance.

74- If so, the Power & Light District will be one of only a few places in the United States with such an open container allowance.

75- Thus, every pollution allowance A.R.R.F. removes from circulation prevents that pollution from being legally emitted into the air.

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