yoghurt pot in a sentence

Use “yoghurt pot” in a sentence | “yoghurt pot” example sentences

1- Archie makes Josie a model spider from yoghurt pots .

2- Take it off the yoghurt pot .

3- You can take those umm those facey yoghurt pots can’t you.

4- A HARD-UP primary school has sent pupils home with begging bowls – yoghurt pots for collecting coins.

5- Aren’t they funny when they look, we didn’t look at the yoghurt pots did we?

6- Pour water into and through sieves, colanders and yoghurt pots with holes pierced in the sides or bottoms.

7- Feeding the culture presents no problem – he just rinses out yoghurt pots and dog food tins into the water.

8- The children soon got the idea and sorted things of similar size and shape, e.g. egg boxes and yoghurt pots .

9- When they had grouped things into general sets, they began to subdivide them, e.g. different types of egg boxes, different pictures on yoghurt pots , different coloured polystyrene trays, long tubes and short tubes.

10- I save the tins, wash them and paint the outsides and I use them as cache pots for all my plants, which neatly disguises the yoghurt pots in which I have planted them!

learn yoghurt pot in a sentence

11- If you save every plastic container that comes into the house – margarine tubs, yoghurt pots – there is no need to buy plastic containers for the freezer or proper flowerpots.

12- He makes a paper megaphone to make Penny’s voice bigger, and he sticks it beside a yoghurt pot and to Penny’s wheelchair with two sticks.

13- Remember when was in tears on Valentine’s night in the loo at the R&R, and her lost yoghurt pot lid appeared under the door?

14- At first, they can’t figure out what it means, but then Miss Hoolie remembers that Archie has a huge collection of yoghurt pots .

15- She tells him that she had been kept awake by a deep booming voice that said ” yoghurt pots ” over and over again.

16- In fact, Gemot Klepper and Peter Michaelis at the Kiel Institute have estimated that it costs a mind-boggling DM2-5 per item – per yoghurt pot , per bacon wrapper – to collect, sort and recycle plastic packages.

17- Across three wheelie bins , virtually everything is taken including food waste, tetra packs, foil, yoghurt pots and food packaging.

18- A High Court judge in London has ruled that text on the yoghurt pots that revealed the product was made in the US instead of Greece was too small , and told New-York based Chobani that it must alter the size of the print in the UK.

19- In the end I threw my yoghurt pot full of glue at her and said the ‘f’ word I’d learnt from Auntie.

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