amidst in a sentence

The athletes walked triumphantly into the stadium amidst the cheers of thousands upon thousands of fans.

View gallery This image shows a beautifully carved lion amidst several inscriptions.

The announcement comes amidst several controversies that have rocked the CIA recently.

amidst this adrenaline surge, the first thing you need to do is assess your own health.

And amidst all the chaos, I’ll always remember him saying these three words, I got you.”

amidst all the darkness of the world, it can be easy to lose sight of all the bright spots.

Palestinian women protest against the 50-day war amidst the rubble in Khuzaa, Gaza, on July 7, 2015.

Both stuck to principles, staging a rare battle over policy that stood out amidst the Trump sideshow.

Three years into his terrifying ordeal and amidst increased media scrutiny, the charges were dropped.

amidst the largest refugee crisis since WW2, Europe is doing nothing to bring down its Fortress walls.

amidst growing poverty and unemployment, Wade has been criticized for excessive spending on projects such as the African Renaissance Statue, a 160 foot bronze structure that cost US$27 million.