approach to in a sentence

The country is currently taking a cautious approach to economic reform.

Harriet is very straightforward in her approach to dealing with clients.

In August of 1989, NASA’s spacecraft Voyager 2 made its closest approach to the planet Neptune.

I have always greatly admired both Gandhi and Martin Luther King for their peaceful approach to political activism.

His approach to architecture is minimalist.

He likes to make his buildings as simple and functional as possible.

Someone once observed that more often than not, a gentle approach to resolving conflicts and attacks is the most effective.

The increase in strikes by employees in the public sector highlights the need for this government to take a less confrontational approach to union negotiations.

“In Afghanistan, Canada had a multifaceted approach to the conflict.

The procedure is called trans-iliac approach to lumbo-sacral junction.

One Regina teacher is trying a cutting edge approach to deaf education.

Rattle revealed he had a very personal approach to this memorial concert.

Williams says that will help the city take a new approach to fixing roads.

Acompli’s second move away from the desktop lies in its approach to files.

Traffic on Interstate 77 had slightly slowed on the approach to Charlotte.

Instead, Rubio has embraced a typical conservative approach to immigration.

Click ahead for a step-by-step approach to buying your first set of wheels.

I’m running against a politician who takes a political approach to science.”

Blaney then said the government is taking a “zero tolerance” approach to BDS.

The Tower reflects the city’s new approach to urban planning, Boethe believes.

This starts by simply taking a bigger-picture approach to development choices.

“We need a 21st century approach to this nation 90 miles away from our shores.

They chalk up their success partly to their conservative approach to autonomy.

Ley said the package was part of a “carrot and stick” approach to immunisation.

Wolfram calls it a “top down” vs. “bottom up” approach to scientific discovery.

When a full or new moon makes its closest approach to Earth, that’s a supermoon.

This is a pragmatic approach to helping solve a public health and safety crisis.

We want to take a solution-orientated approach to dealing with these proposals.”

The senior Nkemdiche is proud his son takes such a cerebral approach to the game.

She declined to comment on whether Oracle had made an approach to buy Salesforce.

It’s all a lot of good fun, and a positive approach to crime and crime prevention.”

C: With a lot of electronic bands, their approach to live shows tend to be different.

British Gas took a far-sighted approach to setting up its Connected Homes initiative.

Since 2011, Turkey’s approach to its neighbor has focused on ousting the Assad regime.

Some agencies have criticized the board for taking a blanket approach to conservation.

I try and take a similar approach to both – and I strive for similar qualities in both.

“Menlo Security is taking a unique and innovative approach to eliminate all Web malware.

And that is the key distinction between ours and the UK government’s approach to Europe.

Silverman: I employ a three-pronged approach to increasing diversity in my organization.

This approach to ICT means agencies can implement systems quicker and cheaper than before.

What if your colleague takes a more laissez-faire approach to preparing to go on vacation?

Who can blame them for embracing his overly simplistic approach to the country’s problems?

Self-confidence is usually a better approach to solving a problem than a state of anxiety.

Let’s look to see what we can learn about the dense urbanists’ approach to climate change.

I knew I needed a new approach to my treatment and then the night came when I saw the show.

42687 A more proactive and independent approach to the enforcement of employment standards.

Rather than curtail supply, his approach to the long game is wrapped up in reducing demand.

Berlin’s approach to the negotiations says quite a bit about the outcome one should expect.

The Palestinian Authority wants new sponsors for a new approach to rescue the negotiations.

DJI’s American rival 3D Robotics touts a more “open platform” approach to drone technology.

844643 This is a very wrong approach to solving problems – Iraq was won by the same method.”

He adopted a go-slow approach to the issue of formal authorization for the campaign last year.

But putting aside that reservation, Sanders keeps a clear-eyed approach to plot and character.

A holiday show like no other, ‘Unwrapped’ takes an unconventional approach to holiday classics.

The U.S. State Department appears to largely be taking a wait-and-see approach to the election.

883879 Use “I” statements whenever possible and take a soft approach to opening the discussion.

To Netanyahu, and congressional Republicans, the only proper approach to Iran is more sanctions.

546383 Our conversation turned to the question of the best approach to eliminating the wage gap.

“I think everyone has a different approach to what they think is valuable for a user to pay for.

There is no better or clearer example of this than the city-state’s approach to public transport.

The U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration also credits its revamped approach to inspections.

It’s a methodological coup, evidence that crowdsourcing is a reliable approach to image analysis.

Mujica: The President Each of the men seems to have a different approach to his newfound freedom.

Herne Bay Golf Club development site “People need to take a more positive approach to development.

427367 It would actually ham string his free-wheeling, shoot from the lip approach to campaigning.

There is, however, no uniform international approach to the selfie-stick in galleries and museuMs.
Right now, Ames’ life is largely characterized by a driven, almost monk-like approach to his work.

Other spiders take a different approach to sailing, raising their abdomens into the air like sails.

And it wants a pan-European approach to managing the radio frequencies needed for mobile telephony.

Both take a fast-paced approach to sports that, for the uninitiated, could be considered soporific.

Huawei’s approach to the U.S. is very different from the strategies pursued by Alibaba and Tencent.

The best images, they say, will come Saturday, once the asteroid makes its closest approach to Earth.

“It gets to the heart of Francis’ papacy, his pastoral and progressive approach to forgiving people.”

Authorities in the national capital have pledged a multi-pronged approach to try to stem the violence.

Rubio’s equal-attention approach to the early states also shows up in the television advertising plan.

His overall message is that the U.S. and NATO need to have a “strong but balanced” approach to Russia.

Yup, the Microsoft Band is a throw-everything-in-but-the-kitchen-sink approach to an activity tracker.

He echoed Mbeki’s calls for an ” African Renaissance “, and was greatly concerned with issues on the continent; he took a soft diplomatic approach to removing Sani Abacha’s military junta in Nigeria but later became a leading figure in calling for sanctions when Abacha’s regime increased human rights violations.

His ageless passion for life shines through in his approach to teaching.

Use extreme care in approach to ledge as you can go aground very easily and fishing boats troll this area.