at one time in a sentence

They all tried to talk at one time.

at one time I lived alone in the mountains.

She was at one time faced with the problem.

at one time it was thought impracticable for man to fly.

Find someone who felt miserable in this country at one time.

at one time in Afghanistan, girls were prohibited from attending public school.

at one time in Scotland, witches were suspected of taking the form of red butterflies.

It is strange how two countries can be at war at one time, and then close allies a few years later.

Indira Gandhi said that at one time leadership meant muscles, but today it means getting along with people.

According to one source, Pope John Paul II at one time wanted to be an actor, but then finally opted for the church.

Mahatma Gandhi once remarked, “I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles, but today it means getting along with people.

In England in the Middle Ages, whole towns played football on certain holidays, sometimes with as many as players at one time.

at one time, arbitrary arrest and detention without trial were common features of many military dictatorships throughout Latin America.

at one time he thought litigation would bring relief from that anguish.

The military rejected me — seems they didn’t like bisexuals at one time.

at one time, Britney Spears was the biggest thing in the world,” he says.

at one time, it was a treatment centre for alcohol and drugs, says Fabian.

Owned at one time by J. Paul Getty, the penthouse has been on and off the market for years.

She was also at one time under the tutelage of the late Wilfred Mhanda, aka Dzinashe Machingura.

at one time, we were deciding between launching more satellites or adding more cell phone towers.

905283 We gave them several chances to pay it, they didn’t even have to pay it all at one time.”””

Investigators have said Dinkle at one time was the exalted Cyclops of the Ozark chapter of the KKK.

If one group isn’t clicking at one time we can put in our second group and hopefully that sparks it.

The victim at one time dated Salazar’s brother, Angel Salazar, who was killed Aug. 18 in San Antonio.