behind schedule in a sentence

It’s behind schedule.

Work is behind schedule.

I’m running behind schedule.

They’re minutes behind schedule.

We landed at Narita a little behind schedule.

The train arrived ten minutes behind schedule.

The plane is about an hour behind schedule due to poor weather.

The train finally came into the station over an hour behind schedule.

And we’re guessing about two weeks behind schedule right now,” she said.

Corn and grain sorghum were behind schedule because they too were planted late.

Even with the delay, Durgnat says, the plane technically isn’t behind schedule.

The goal is to show managers where the project might be falling behind schedule.

He disputed that in a tweet, however, saying he was only 40 minutes behind schedule.

Icy conditions caused the buses there to run 15 to 20 minutes behind schedule on Saturday.

It is now slated to cost $410 million, a 36 percent increase, and is years behind schedule.

Work on the project began a year behind schedule, but Paes has vowed to complete it on time.

Cowie says the mailboxes should have been installed by Monday, but the contractor is behind schedule.

429401 I’ve never built a hospital that’s years behind schedule and hundreds of millions over budget.