best seller in a sentence

Britney Spears’ debut album was an international best seller.

This setup is emblematic of why the F-150 is such a staunch best seller.

5. The Complete Do-it-Yourself Manual (best seller): No surprise here: he wants to fix things!

Based on Michael Crichton’s best seller.

After last year’s No. 1 best seller, Doctor Sleep, King has another novel, Mr. Mercedes, that’s out Tuesday.

Fern’s first book, Fern Leaves (1853), was a best seller.

Her first book, Freckleface Strawberry, was an immediate best seller upon its release in 2007.

I’ve written over 30 tax books, but my best seller is still Taxation of Damage Awards and Settlement Payments.

I’ve written over 30 tax books, but my best seller is still Taxation of Damage Awards and Settlement Payments.

In 1968 Gore had a best seller with a book called Myra Breckinridge about a man who becomes a woman who becomes a man.

The company says it is a best seller and is now offered in a bigger 100ml container for a limited time.

5. The Complete Do-it-Yourself Manual (best seller): No surprise here: he wants to fix things!

Closing of the American Mind: An Intellectual best seller Revisited.

In 2002, Brownsover Fish Bar on Hollowell Way, Brownsover, was named as the best seller of Fish and Chips in the country.

In total the manga has sold 3,161,825 copies in Japan during 2008, becoming 5th best seller series.

It was released in 1999 for PCs and again in 2001 as a part of Sierra’s best seller Series.

Kay is featured in chapter four of Guy Kawasaki’s Business Week best seller, How To Drive Your Competition Crazy.

Reception Heir was extremely well-received, making it onto the New York Times best seller list.

Sporting team number zero, Palchan goods are a consistent best seller with various merchandise available.

The CD immediately became a classic and best seller in Dominican rock history.

The series remains a best seller for the PlayStation after many incarnations.

The soundtrack album was an instant success and continues to be a best seller to this day.

This book debuted at Number 2 on the New York Times best seller List.

This setup is emblematic of why the F-150 is such a staunch best seller.

Vasari created celebrities of his subjects, as the Lives became an early “best seller.”

While not a best seller, the book was critically acclaimed by a number of important Evangelical leaders.