bogged down in a sentence

He is highly accessible and tries not to get bogged down in abstruse legal jargon.

We were bogged down in a morass of paperwork.

You have an English test tomorrow, so don’t get bogged down in your math homework tonight.

I understand the general approach, but I’m afraid that I’m getting bogged down in the details.

Open records laws have been bogged down with lengthy lists of exemptions.

“Negotiations have bogged down over the scope of market-opening on each side.

However, its dynamism was increasingly bogged down by the global finical crisis.

We gave the boys the green signal to play freely because it is easy to get bogged down.

Security forces could become bogged down by investigating bomb threats and other reports.

The project appears to have got bogged down in customising an off-the-shelf software to its needs.

But as those measures got bogged down by political infighting and legal challenges, protests faded.

Agonising over every move will keep you bogged down forever.

Agonising over every move will keep you bogged down forever.