campaigner in a sentence

campaigners brought the case on behalf of almost 900 Dutch citizens.

Findlater advised Dutch campaigners in setting up their own helpline.

But some campaigners said it did not go far enough to protect the planet.

That failed to pacify pro-life campaigners who said it did not go far enough.

However, environmental campaigners said the proposed measures were not enough.

But the proposed legislation does not satisfy environmental campaigners either.

Meanwhile Ireland’s O’Briens, Niall and Kevin, are seasoned World Cup campaigners.

But anti-abortion campaigner Bernadette Smyth expressed disappointment with decision.

campaigners believe banks could have done more, and have welcomed the FCA’s proposals.

But campaigners argue more needs to be done to prevent individuals developing probleMs.
It relies on a “whole bunch of really passionate campaigners” who volunteer their time.

280169 Her leadership skills She’s a great campaigner, but she’s not a great administrator.

Inevitably anti-smoking campaigners will now target the home, the most private space of all.”

Gay rights campaigners in China still face harassment from authorities or bureaucratic roadblocks.

Corbyn, a veteran anti-war campaigner, is facing deep divisions in his Labour Party over the vote.

In the hands of campaigners and victims of abuse, it can provide valuable video evidence of crimes.

Bring Back Our Girls campaigner Dr. Oby Ezekwezili consoles a parent a girl abducted by Boko Haram.

This move angered human rights campaigners who say it ignores entrenched racism and discrimination.

campaigners have welcomed the historic trial, but insist that much more must be done to prevent FGM.

188142 Despite the concerns, campaigners say that drivers outside London would get used to the change.

The decision drew condemnation from child protection campaigners and NGOs, particularly outside Japan.

So a year or so ago some determined local campaigners went into action .