challenged in a sentence

I challenged him to a game.

I challenged her for evidence.

I was challenged by a gatekeeper.

I’m ready whenever they challenge me.

He got angry with whoever challenged him.

I took a chance and accepted his challenge.

The devil challenged God to a baseball game.

He looked the toughest of all the challengers.

He’s mowed down a parade of challengers before.

He challenged the mountain at the risk of his life.

Dave has challenged me to a game of squash on Sunday.

It was a real challenge for us to go down the cliff on a rope.

Find someone who has driven a car with chains on the tires.

My father’s death from cancer challenged me to take up research on it.

The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major environmental challenge.

I thought it would be boorish to challenge his identity without warning.

Joan is always changing jobs because she totally thrives on a challenge.

Hosea Ballou once remarked, “Weary is the path that does not challenge.

Differences create the challenges in life that open the door to discovery.

He jokingly refers to himself as vertically-challenged, rather than short.

Tackling Mount Everest is the ultimate challenge for the elite mountain climber.

The prime minister directly confronted the challenges of his political opponents.

It is important in life to begin all challenges with optimism, rather than doubt.

The ascent of Mount Logan was the supreme challenge of his brief climbing career.

He’s reigning champion, and no young challenger is going to take it away from him.

David Suzuki once noted that democracy is most challenged when faced with a crisis.

Discussion question: What is the biggest challenge presently facing you in your life? chamber
He doesn’t consider his blindness to be a disability, to him, it is simply a challenge.

The first serious challenge of this new government is to bring the budget under control.

The principal challenger to Venus Williams in this tennis tournament is her sister Selena.

Discussion question: What would you consider to be more of a challenge, to be deaf or to be blind?
In Mexico, if a man stands with his hands on his hips, it suggests hostility or a challenge.

Scott wanted to challenge a course, so he wrote the exam for it, but unfortunately he failed.

In ancient times, Armenia was a powerful nation which challenged the might of the Roman Empire.

Discussion question: What do you think are some of the challenges and rewards of the nursing profession?
The transition to college and university can be a challenge, even for the best students.

Fred has this strange notion that he can do whatever he wants, and no one will challenge him on it.

The entire crew of the challenger was killed when the space shuttle exploded shortly after take-off.

Learning a second language is a challenge, but with continued effort you can make continual progress.

In order to continue to challenge new things, in order to meet new needs, we work day in day out in R&D.

Political instability is currently the greatest challenge facing the newly independent Republic of Tajikstan.

A Chinese proverb notes that a gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man made perfect without challenges.

The government of East Timor faces great challenges in rebuilding the country after years of war and occupation.

Someone once said that most people rust out due to lack of challenge.

Few people rust out due to overuse.

The elderly face numerous challenges presented by both physical decline, and the attitudes of society in general.

The challenge of any government is to see that the majority respects the rights of the minority in their culture.

Adbusters Magazine once challenged a major producer of vodka to a public debate on the harmful effects of alcohol.

In the 1500s, the power of the Catholic Church was challenged and finally fractured by the Protestant Reformation.

He has faced a great deal of adversity in his lifetime, but has always overcome even the most difficult challenge.

The ascent up the cliffside was almost vertical, and posed the greatest challenge of the expedition to the climbers.

It appears that the Canucks will not pose a serious challenge to Colorado in this, the first round of the play-offs.

Joyce A.

Myers once observed that teachers can change lives with just the right mix of chalk and challenges.

Mary Pettibone Poole once said that to repeat what others have said requires education, to challenge it requires brains.

It is a continuing challenge for government to combine the rights of the individual with the rights of society as a whole.

Noela Evans once said that challenge is like a dragon with a gift in its mouth, tame the dragon, and the gift is yours.

We must challenge government leaders and the citizens of the world to make the elimination of poverty the number-one priority.

Antonio Gramsci once observed that the challenge of modernity is to live without illusions and without becoming disillusioned.

Thirdly, if you don’t put in the effort and challenge difficult things, there is nothing in the world at which you will succeed.

For many university courses, it is allowable to challenge a course if you think you already know the material taught at that level.

It can be a challenge to be courteous with particularly difficult clients, however, our job requires that we be polite at all times.

Marsha Sinetar once observed that change can either challenge or threaten us.

Your beliefs pave your way to success or block you.

Marsha Sinetar once remarked that change can either challenge or threaten us.

Your beliefs either pave your way to success or block you.

Discussion question: What are the challenges and rewards of your job?Discussion question: What do you presently find to be the most rewarding part of your life?
Martina Horner once stated that what is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity.

In the end there are no certain answers.

Kirstie Alley once remarked that you’ll never be disappointed if you always keep an eye on uncharted territory, where you’ll be challenged and growing and having fun.

Immigrants face the dual challenges of teaching something of their culture of origin to their children while they and their offspring learn to fit into the new society.

Immigrants face the dual challenges of conveying something of their culture of origin to their children while they and their offspring learn to fit into the new society.

One of the important differences between Japanese and Americans is that Japanese tend to choose a safe course in life, while Americans choose to explore and challenge life.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

once said that the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Singer Donny Osmond once said: “My father instilled in me the attitude of prevailing.

If there’s a challenge, go for it.

If there’s a wall to break down, break it down.

Multinational corporations must be challenged to pay their adult workers in developing countries a liveable wage so that children do not have to work to supplement their parents’ income.

Barbara De Angelis once remarked that what allows us, as human beings, to psychologically survive life on Earth, with all of its pain, drama, and challenges, is a sense of purpose and meaning.