cryptography in a sentence

But to universally break cryptography, a supercomputer would need hundreds or thousands of quibits.

His fascination in cryptography led him toward computer science.

The service uses the popular OpenPGP email encryption standard that’s based on public-key cryptography.

cryptography is used to verify transactions and keep information on the blockchain private.

Also included is the study of cryptography-based techniques (such as “delayed code” Z0mbie (2000).

cryptography use Rule 30 was originally suggested as a possible Block cipher for use in cryptography (See CA-1.1).

Friedman coined several terms, including ” cryptanalysis “, and wrote many monographs on cryptography.

In loose Polish parlance, the term “cipher” (“szyfr”) refers to both these two principal categories of cryptography.

In the case of neural cryptography, we improve it by increasing of the synaptic depth L of the neural networks.

ITU standard that governs the format of certificates used for authentication in public-key cryptography.

Keyless remote car alarms are typically based on strong cryptography authentication methods.

Many governments have implemented legal restrictions on who can use cryptography, and many more have proposed them.

Popular account of Sarah’s award-winning project on public-key cryptography, co-written with her father.