cut off in a sentence

We cut off the rope.

She cut off the carrot tops.

The water was cut off yesterday.

He cut off two meters of the rope.

He cut off a branch from the tree.

I was cut off while I was speaking.

They were cut off from food supplies.

Only my seat is cut off from that bustle.

Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face.

The power has been cut off since this morning.

Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village.

My telephone service was cut off because of unpaid bills.

All communication with the mainland was cut off by the typhoon.

The brave knight cut off the dragon’s head with his magic sword.

They were cut off in the middle of their telephone conversation.

The enemy behind us presently exists solely to cut off our retreat.

In December of 1888, a depressed Vincent van Gogh cut off his own left ear.

She cut off the end of her toe when she hit her foot with an axe while chopping wood for their fireplace.

Young goats at the petting zoo have their horns cut off to avoid hurting other goats or visiting children.

For more than 30 years, Spain was cut off from the rest of the world under the dictatorship of General Franco.

Samuel Johnson once noted that if a sovereign oppresses his people to a great degree, they will rise, and cut off his head.

In feudal Japan, the Imperial Army had special soldiers whose only duty was to count the number of enemy heads cut off during a battle.

After numerous consultations with a palm reader, she decided to quit her job, leave her husband, cut off her hair, and become a yoga teacher.

Alexander the Great ordered his entire army to shave their faces and heads because he believed beards and long hair were too easy for an enemy to grab, allowing them to cut off the soldier’s head.

Francis Bacon wrote that if a man be gracious and courteous to strangers, it shows he is a citizen of the world, and that his heart is no island cut off from others’ lands, but a continent that joins to them.

CityGuru failed to pay an employee and eventually cut off all contact.

776246 There are no long-term benefits to being cut off from everyone.

They were cut off in an act of vandalism years ago and never replaced.

Congress cut off funding after Reid became Senate majority leader in 2007.

The province had already paid out $1.5 million but cut off the rest, he said.

“If we can stop the selling in Hong Kong, then we can cut off the demand side.

He then gouged out one of his own eyes and cut off his left hand at the forearm.

Elkins says Hampton was cut off by a Berryville police officer and spun his bike.

616221 She quickly changed her phone number and cut off all ties with David Myers.

It has already been cut off from the markets because of a leap in its bond yields.

330651 If we, their makers, do not cut off their years, they will one day fly away.

On a real Coach handbag the “C” is only cut off when they are on the side of the bag.

It tried to cut off Spotify’s free tier – and we’ll see if that worked down the road.

Navalny claimed this was illegal and cut off his monitoring bracelet three weeks ago.

A source tells CBC News that Suter’s thumb had been cut off during the alleged attack.

“Before, the dog meat sellers might cut off a piece of dog flesh and throw it near you.

That’s because it is now cut off from European bailout funds and has defaulted to the IMF.

The McCarthys say that during the surgery, oxygen was cut off to Layla’s lower extremities.

The eclipse cut off 65 to 80 percent of incoming sunlight, depending on one’s vantage point.

TV has always been spatially isolating, with each of us cut off from everyone else watching.

In short, you have to know when to cut off your kids so they can learn financial independence.

Meanwhile, missing the IMF payment means Greece is cut off from new loans from the organization.

That rocket had veered off path on May 16, 2014, causing an emergency system to cut off propulsion.

Plus, borrowers drowning in student debt could be cut off from mortgages and other forms of credit.

The joint forces have also managed to cut off all strategic roads used by ISIS for resupply, it said.

Republicans in Congress tried in vain to cut off the federal funding that Planned Parenthood receives.

We cut off chocolate a long time ago .