direct eye contact in a sentence

direct eye contact in a sentence

1) He finally made direct eye contact with Gary and smiled.

2) Nothing confirms you are different than that direct eye contact .

3) Always make direct eye contact when speaking to your players.

direct eye contact example sentences

4) Try to maintain direct eye contact approximately 60 percent of the time.

5) Americans associate direct eye contact with forthrightness and trustworthiness.

6) Lykos also has a powerful hypnotic ability that requires direct eye contact to complete.

7) When combined with direct eye contact , erect posture gives you an air of authority.

8) Survivors said that Roberts was mumbling his words and was not making direct eye contact .

9) A handshake while maintaining direct eye contact is the normal greeting and should also be exchanged upon leaving.

10) It is proper to use a firm handshake (left or right) with direct eye contact .

11) Charismatic people use welcoming body language, such as a smile, direct eye contact and good posture.

12) Body language is usually a front on stance, animated hands, direct eye contact , and close proximity.

13) In Western cultures, direct eye contact is the expected norm; it indicates confidence, honesty and trust.

14) Use of this device is intended to convey actual interaction with each other and direct eye contact with the viewer.

15) Don’t make direct eye contact during this stage, just toss a treat whenever you go past your dog.


example sentences with direct eye contact

16) In the United States, “a firm handshake, accompanied by direct eye contact , is the standard greeting.

17) eye contact and facial expression: Maintain direct eye contact , appear interested and alert, but not angry. 2.

18) Lack of direct eye contact (as mentioned in Problems), an issue being circumvented in some higher end systems.

19) Introduce yourself straightaway, smile, make direct eye contact and ask open questions which indicate your interest in the other person.

20) The parrot will make direct eye contact with the human and vocalize, and responds directly and vocally when the human talks to it.

21) At this phase of the experiment, the head keeper used her customary training procedures, which included direct eye contact and soothing, encouraging words.

22) And, they knew that I knew it too, their sheepish embarrassment and their inability to make direct eye contact with me confirmed.

23) She kept direct eye contact for an extended period of time, paying close attention to his rod as she inhaled it with a lot of skill.

24) We basically tried to be calm and quiet around her, no sudden moves, no direct eye contact , and let her eventually decide to come up to us.