disagrees in a sentence

Learn how to use disagrees in a sentence – Example sentences:

He disagrees with his relatives.

We are subject to change our plans if the president disagrees.

“We’re saying these students need the help and the province disagrees.

He notes that he disagrees with conservatives on abortion and gay marriage.

516215Not surprisingly, Irving Shipbuilding Inc. disagrees with the assessment.

But Rob Holley, a promoter for nights at the RVT such as Push the Button, disagrees.

But Ouellet disagrees, and she was overjoyed to reconnect with Earle Tuesday morning.

Clinton disagrees with Jordan’s portrayal of what happened and is defending her actions.

The band, however, says it disagrees with the decision and has applied for a judicial review.

She said the bank disagrees with the allegations in the lawsuit and intends to defend itself.

But Jackson vehemently disagrees with that notion, arguing that Mayer just isn’t up to the job.

The Rubio campaign disagrees, citing it as evidence that their positions aren’t that different.

For his part, President Obama doesn’t much like Netanyahu and disagrees with him on key policies.

The Russian producer now puts those debts at $2.44 billion, an estimate that Ukraine disagrees with.

131758But Naomi Oreskes, a Harvard historian who is a co-author of the book with Conway, disagrees.

Basic 10 sentences
5 Advanced Sentences about disagrees in a sentence