discontent in a sentence

discontent abounds in the world.

No medicine can cure a man of discontent.

The mayor manifested his discontent with the new plan.

There seems to be widespread discontent with the current governor.

With voter discontent at a record high, the government seems ripe for change.

There are apparently some murmurings of discontent among the government backbenchers.

The government had not properly gauged the degree of popular discontent with its policies.

Oscar Wilde once remarked that discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation.

Glen Van Ekeren once observed that creative people exhibit a continuous discontent with uniformity.

In Western democracies, a protocol of protest has evolved that tolerates the orderly, disciplined expression of discontent.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

once remarked that the sweltering summer of the Negro’s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality.

If you’re tired of this garbage, discontent is now available on iOS.

He taps into deep discontent when he tells voters, “Enough is enough.

North Korea therefore sought to capitalize on this mutual discontent.

Closer ties under Ma have led to growing discontent, particularly among young people.

But discontent is so high that those issues aren’t a priority for your average voter.

That move helped quell the discontent among political leaders with GM’s recall failures.

The discontent surfaced Tuesday in a short-lived campaign to draft Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.

Her “dad,” the youth pastor, has expressed to me his discontent with her decision to leave.

Still, there is some discontent with Obama’s failure to embrace the language of the movement.

But there have been signs of discontent in the run-up to the anniversary of the 18-day revolt.

What you’re tapping into is a lot of discontent in a lot of the working population, Milkman said.

Winter of discontent: Seems like the ouster of Mizzou president was the shot heard ’round campuses.