domestic in a sentence

Learn how to use domestic in a sentence – Example sentences:

The horse is a domestic animal.

She is said to be a domestic woman.

A housewife has many domestic duties.

My father is a pilot on the domestic line.

He is afraid his wife is not very domestic.

The Government’s domestic policy was announced.

Competition in the domestic market is cutthroat.

Everyone has domestic troubles from time to time.

A wife’s activities are confined to domestic matters.

Do you have a cheap flight ticket on a domestic line?

Our airline has more than 100 domestic flights a day.

I prefer to buy domestic rather than foreign products.

Domestic violence is a serious problem in many societies.

The island nation of Malta has no domestic energy sources.

The domestic market has been swamped with foreign imports.

She put an advertisement for a domestic help in the paper.

She studies hygiene as part of her domestic science course.

The government has taken measures to promote domestic industry.

The sabre-tooth tiger is an early ancestor of the domestic cat.

The shrinking of the domestic market has been blamed on inflation.

Today, foreign relations and domestic affairs are in close contact.

KatNo one in his right mind wants anything to do with a domestic quarrel.

Like humans, domestic animals have different medical needs as they age.

Thousands of song birds die each year, preyed upon by the domestic cat.

The prevalence of domestic abuse in our society can no longer be ignored.

In our culture, most married people share domestic chores with their spouses.

Per person, Israel is the world’s largest user of domestic solar water-heaters.

Wild cats hold their tales horizontally, whereas domestic cats hold them vertically.

The ancestor of all domestic cats is the African Wild Cat, which still exists today.

The domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking.

Foreign investment in China has helped spur output of both domestic and export goods.

Some power stations in Germany burn domestic garbage to generate electricity for homes.

Police were called in to settle a domestic dispute that had become dangerously violent.

A recent report shows that domestic crude production has dropped by almost three percent.

Having said ‘domestic wine’, anything bottled domestically is deemed to be domestic wine.

I usually drink domestic beers, but sometimes I’ll have an imported one as a special treat.

Domestic manufacturers have asked the government to block the import of cheap shoes from China.

Tourism contributes over 10% to the gross domestic product of the Persian Gulf nation of Bahrain.

Domestic manufacturers are complaining about cheap imports that are being brought into the country.

The government is determined to restrict the number of imports in order to protect the domestic market.

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “I am not built for academic writings.

Action is my domain.

” domesticLeopards purr and meow in a manner similar to domestic cats, but normally only between mother and cubs.

Scientists say that pigs, unlike all other domestic animals, arrive at solutions by thinking them through.

John F.

Kennedy once remarked that domestic policy can only defeat us, but foreign policy can kill us.

The decision of the international trade commission has serious implications for the domestic farming industry.

George Santayana once suggested that it takes patience to appreciate domestic bliss, volatile spirits prefer unhappiness.

The future of the economy of Sierra Leone depends upon the maintenance of domestic peace, and continued international aid.

Jilly Cooper once said that the male is a domestic animal which, if treated with firmness, can be trained to do most things.

A local policeman was stabbed when he went to investigate a domestic dispute, and was confronted by a man carrying a large knife.

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