earth in a sentence

The earth is made up of sea and land.

The earth is not a star but a planet.

All the people on earth are brothers.

Where on earth did you go last night?

The paper plane fell slowly to earth.

He believed that the earth was round.

God created the heaven and the earth.

The moon moves around the earth.

The moon is a satellite of the earth.

The earth is far bigger than the moon.

The earth is one of the sun’s planets.

The unit of life on earth is the cell.

They believed that the earth was flat.

Did you feel the earth shake just now?

Actually, the earth is getting warmer.

The sun makes the earth warm and light.

The leaves fall to the earth in autumn.

The resources of the earth are limited.

The earth lay beneath a blanket of snow.

There are seven continents on the earth.

The earth moves around the sun in days.

The earth is a planet, not a fixed star.

It was believed that the earth was flat.

The earth, Mars and Jupiter are planets.

The ancients believed the earth was flat.

The earth is small compared with the sun.

He said that the earth goes round the sun.

Strictly speaking, the earth is not round.

I think she is the kindest woman on earth.

All things on the earth are made of atoMs.
The earth goes around the sun once a year.

The moon goes round the earth once a month.

Water makes up most of the earth‘s surface.

Koga, what on earth happened in your youth?

They say she is the kindest woman on earth.

The earth is similar to an orange in shape.

Land and water make up the earth‘s surface.

The moon is the earth‘s only satellite.

The earth travels in an orbit around the sun.

The moon is a natural satellite of the earth.

Threefourths of the earth‘s surface is water.

The whale is the largest animal on the earth.

Everyone admitted that the earth is a sphere.

What on earth spurred them to such an action?

Which is larger, the sun or the earth?

All living things on earth depend one another.

The water cycle is essential to life on earth.

We learned that the earth goes around the sun.

He declared that the earth goes round the sun.

The teacher said that the earth is round.
