eurozone in a sentence

The aim is to kickstart the eurozone economy and head off deflation.

A meeting with eurozone members is unlikely to bring positive results.

Our commitment to remain in the eurozone is absolute, Varoufakis said.

Many eurozone nations, including Greece, are in full-blown depression.

Meanwhile, eurozone finance ministers begin arriving for their meeting.

Two emergency summits were set to decide Greece’s fate in the eurozone.

Tsipras asked, referring to the scenario of Greece exiting the eurozone.

But the notion no one in the eurozone could ever leave trapped everyone.

Draghi’s remarks come as the eurozone shows increasing signs of recovery.

January 1, 2015 – Lithuania joins the eurozone as the 19th member country.

For them the overriding objective was to avoid a Grexit from the eurozone.

Praet called on eurozone governments to accelerate their economic reforMs.
The agency also said there was a 50% chance Greece would exit the eurozone.

155166 Central banks outside the eurozone are also preparing for the worst.

eurozone representatives are set to discuss Greek new reform plans on Monday.

The most obvious risks involve stagnation in the eurozone, or Japan, or both.

Debt jargon explained eurozone finance ministers meet in Brussels on Saturday.

eurozone officials say they need to review the plan before they can go further.

Equities were also buffeted by fears for Greece and its future in the eurozone.

His unwavering commitment to the eurozone became a kind of strategic paralysis.

Greece’s eurozone partners – led by Germany – are willing to lend it more money.

The Euro Stoxx 50, which tracks large-cap companies in the eurozone plunged 3.2%.

Tsipras agreed to a deal after a marathon 17-hour eurozone summit Monday morning.

Greece’s economic policies drew criticism even from nations outside the eurozone.

But it warned that efforts needed to be focused more on the eurozone‘s strugglers.

Ostensibly, the stimulus is meant to get inflation in the eurozone back to target.

But she told the paper that she still wanted Greece to remain part of the eurozone.

And I don’t understand why people continue to talk about an exit from the eurozone.

The Euro Stoxx 50, which tracks large-cap companies in the eurozone, slipped 0.06%.

The Euro Stoxx 50, which tracks large-cap companies in the eurozone, declined 0.70%.

The bulk of the loans come from fellow eurozone states, with some also from the IMF.

The measure aims to revive dangerously low inflation and fuel growth in the eurozone.

Economists have a host of explanations for the eurozone’s failure to generate growth.

Negotiations with eurozone leaders this week have been tense, with no resolution yet.

To begin with, let me state my assumption: staying in the eurozone is bad for Greece.

I guess it is still too early to decide whether the eurozone project can be achieved.

Greece risks default and moving closer to a possible exit from the 19-member eurozone.

It will “blunt the instrument” if national central banks implement QE in the eurozone.

One of the EU’s requirements for eurozone member countries is deficits below 3% of GDP.

The meeting of eurozone finance ministers over the weekend would be decisive, she said.