fail-safe in a sentence

However, the birds’ pecks aren’t a fail-safe way to tell if a person has cancer.

As a double fail-safe, each of them memorizes the category winners by heart, just in case.

I’ve put together my top five fail-safe garments that are worth the investment this season.

Gurney has crafted a solid, almost fail-safe entertainment.

If anything, these examples prove how well the fail-safe mechanisms worked.

I’ve put together my top five fail-safe garments that are worth the investment this season.

As a double fail-safe, each of them memorizes the category winners by heart, just in case.

However, the birds’ pecks aren’t a fail-safe way to tell if a person has cancer.

Kubrick decided to throw a legal wrench into fail-safe‘s production gears.

Larger pyranoscopes (? 1½”) need an ignition booster for fail-safe operation.

Later, Tom finds the bomb and reports that it can’t be dismantled because of the fail-safe components.

Popular solutions are to provide redundant sensors and to apply a fail-safe mechanism.

This is a matter of basic fairness and it reflects the important role of clemency as a fail-safe in our judicial system.

Charlene McCarthy Blake 5pts Likely Toyota all electronic engine throttle control software glitch with ineffective fail-safe!

Two columns ago, I promised to share my “fail-safe, money-back guaranteed formula for getting kids to eat everything on their plates.”

None of these tactics are completely fail-safe, but taken together, they’ll make you a much less attractive target to scammers online.

This device is said to constitute a fail-safe condition.

The design goal of the Shuttle’s DPS was fail-operational/fail-safe reliability.

This referencing mechanism starts with a base element, thus assuring that a fail-safe structure is always part of the calling topic (the topic that contains the element with the conref attribute).

You might want to be a bit more fail-safe when doing database inserts and deletes in BootStrap.groovy.

This referencing mechanism starts with a base element, thus assuring that a fail-safe structure is always part of the calling topic (the topic that contains the element with the conref attribute).