family in a sentence

Learn how to use family in a sentence – Example sentences:

Ian absconds shortly after without telling his family where he is going.

His family adored himI know his family.

My family is small.

His family is large.

I sustain my family.

His is a large family.

I have a large family.

He has a large family.

He has left his family.

I read it to my family.

She supports her family.

Theirs is an old family.

He abandoned his family.

My family is an old one.

I have a family.

adjustingMy family is a large one.

His family is very large.

Her family is very large.

She boasts of her family.

He is proud of his family.

Watanabe is my family name.

Her family moved to Brazil.

He provides for his family.

All are happy in my family.

My family are all athletic.

She comes of a good family.

He took leave of the family.

He is related to the family.

I am thankful for my family.

My family are all very well.

My family is not very large.

His family are early risers.

I am loved by all my family.

He has no family to support.

She talked about her family.

I made a fuss of her family.

He made a hit with my family.

He belongs to a large family.

His family lacks for nothing.

His family are all very well.

My friend has a large family.

He is the baby of the family.

He is an honor to his family.

She comes from a good family.

I manage to support my family.

I took a picture of my family.

I went camping with my family.

He said goodbye to the family.

I want to thank my host family.

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Basic 10 sentences
5 Advanced Sentences about family in a sentence