feeling in a sentence

Learn how to use feeling in a sentence – Example sentences:

It ‘s a weird feeling getting acclimated back to tournament golf.

I’m feeling tired.

I’ve got a feeling.

Are you feeling better?

The se feeling came back.

How are you feeling today?

I have feeling in my legs.

I’m feeling kind of tired.

I’m feeling sick.

adjustingI am feeling sad about it.

I have a feeling he is right.

He is devoid of human feeling.

I’m feeling good this morning.

I always have a tired feeling.

Feeling sleepy, I went to bed.

I’m feeling much better today.

They kept on feeling their way.

Feeling sick, he stayed in bed.

He was devoid of human feeling.

I’m feeling the breath of life.

I can’t understand his feeling.

I had no feeling in my fingers.

I’m feeling a little blue today.

She had a vague feeling of guilt.

Feeling hot, I turned on the fan.

How are you feeling this morning?

He has little feeling for others.

I had a feeling this might happen.

He has a deep feeling for the weak.

My harsh words bruised her feeling.

I am feeling wonderfully refreshed.

I can’t help feeling sorry for him.

She was feeling kind of tired.

EldadShe sang her sweet song with feeling.

Her feeling for him was reciprocated.

There is no feeling in my toes at all.

I awoke this morning feeling very ill.

I couldn’t help feeling sorry for him.

I’ve not been feeling very well lately.

Feeling himself insulted, he got angry.

I had complete mastery over my feeling.

We couldn’t help feeling sorry for her.

I could not help feeling sorry for him.

I can’t help feeling sorry for the girl.

He could not help feeling sorry for her.

I was ill yesterday but I am feeling fine today!Feeling sick, he stayed home from school.

She cheered me up when I was feeling blue.

After he left, she started feeling uneasy.

He was overcome by a feeling of melancholy.

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Basic 10 sentences
5 Advanced Sentences about feeling in a sentence