fresh start in a sentence

Ready to give Williamson County a fresh start, Kochan had a busy first day.

fresh start,” the actress, 28, said in a message posted Thursday on Twitter.

Martin Winterkorn resigned and paved the way for a fresh start at the company.

719726 The first day of the week always offers a fresh start for body and soul.

A fresh start at a club looking up was just what the 23-year-old was looking for.

In her prepared testimony, Lynch promised a fresh start in that relationship, too.

“We want to get it over with, get a fresh start to the year, no pent up expectations.

Load More WASHINGTON (AP) – New Speaker Paul Ryan promised a fresh start for the House.

Later this week, the CBC Montreal Do Crew will help give the centre a fresh start to spring.

“I’ve got a big heart, so we thought we could help her out, give her a fresh start,” said Sean.

Chief Executive Officer Martin Winterkorn quit Wednesday, saying the company needs a fresh start.

The affair had dominated relations between the two countries, and Rocard now hoped for a fresh start, although Bolger noted that they would have to” agree to differ ” over French nuclear policy.