full-time in a sentence

The company currently employs 50 full-time staff.

Pauline lacks the maturity to take on a full-time job.

Her family commitments have prevented her from taking on a full-time job.

You are not eligible for a subsidized bus pass unless you are a full-time student.

Analysts predict the company will provide over 100 full-time, permanent jobs in the region.

With a full-time job, night courses and two small children, Jill simply had too many demands on her time.

You need to have completed full-time equivalency for three sessions before you can become a permanent employee.

full-time, permanent jobs are increasingly scarce these days as companies hire more and more people on contract.

Now that you are a full-time employee, you are entitled to certain benefits, including medical, dental and pension.

I don’t know how my neighbor manages to work full-time, raise her two children, and keep her house clean, all by herself.

It is generally quite difficult to raise a family on a single income in this country today, so very often both parents work full-time.

I don’t really think it is feasible to go to school full-time, play on a hockey team, and work at a part-time job, all at the same time.

Whoopi Goldberg once remarked that if every American donated five hours a week to a good cause, it would equal the labor of 20 million full-time volunteers.

He intends to keep chasing his dream of becoming a full-time driver.

By last December he had been accepted at two full-time MBA prograMs.
433758 I would demand a hot tub, free massages, and a full-time chef.

A national search will be conducted for Ernst’s full-time replacement.

HTT is hiring some full-time managers as the construction phase nears.

645940 Stafford was actually a full-time officer for Marksville police.

For another, its full-time undergraduate program is open only to women.

He’s looking for a single, full-time job, but hasn’t landed anything yet.

340586 I’m able to do this full-time and work on it full-time,”” he said.”

It also doubles as the husband and wife-to-be’s full-time home on the road.

The full-time adult award rate for a food and beverage attendant is A$17.35.

You can filter by part-time work, full-time work or work just for the season.

Now he’s hoping to return to such heights as a full-time player on the squad.

“We had previously been authorizing nominations for full-time employees only.

512768 No one who works full-time should be living in poverty,” Johnson said.

757944 The number of part-timers who would prefer full-time work remains high.

And before you know it, entrepreneurship will take over as your full-time job.

The number of days reflects the call for pay of $15 an hour and full-time work.

Valizadeh says his books are based on “six years of full-time study in the game.”

Parents can return part-time, full-time, or return and then go back out as needed.

Nearly two years later, Brown has a full-time job and up-to-date car registration.

As a result, there are now 13,100 more full-time equivalent teachers than in 2010.

345811 I’m working one full-time job and I work a part-time job, said mom Barbara.”

She took another full-time job but quit in the spring to give Ash+Ember another go.

Just having eight students here full-time every day is a change in itself, he said.

If you’re running a company or have a full-time job, this process could take a year.

Anderson said he hopes he will be a candidate to take over the department full-time.

However, later last week, the town agreed to high Alan Ashworth on a full-time basis.

Kristin, who grew up in Vancouver, Wash., had a full-time job as a massage therapist.

In 2011, there were 1.9 million full-time independent millennial workers (aged 21-35).

London Mayor Boris Johnson is among those pushing for a full-time team in the capital.

Now we’ve seen that Canada created over 50,000 full-time jobs last month, Clement said.

In 2012 he turned full-time to running the philanthropic foundation with his wife Laura.

Only 8 percent of full-time workers said they worked less than 40 hours in a given week.

It’s a full-time job I have to say, Lauda tells CNN at a flying visit to his Vienna home.

She is the organization’s only full-time staff member, joined by two part-time volunteers.