indifference in a sentence

She assumed an air of indifference.

He feigned indifference to the girl.

He sometimes affects indifference to what’s happening around him.

There is a Japanese proverb which states that indifference is a generous kind of intolerance.

Dag Hammarskjold once said that the only kind of dignity which is genuine is that which is not diminished by the indifference of others.

Dag Hammarskjold once observed that the only kind of dignity which is genuine is that which is not diminished by the indifference of others.

Natalia Ginzburg once stated that children should be taught not the little virtues, but the great ones.

Not thrift, but generosity and an indifference to money, not caution, but courage and a contempt for danger, not a desire for success, but a desire to be, and to know.

Haile Selassie once said in a speech that throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.

He has no alliance expansion agenda, indicating indifference to Ukraine’s inclusion.

673950 That word — indifference“” — was used multiple times by members of the jury.”

He intended to kill, and he acted with extreme indifference for the value of human life.

The Iranian reaction to the speech has been a combination of indignation and indifference.

The Yukon Party’s relations with First Nations has been marked by acrimony and indifference.

I cannot understand why such indifference is manifested, why you should stand afar off and criticize and draw away.

How many parents have agonized about children overwhelmed by drug addiction, by pornography, or adolescent indifference?