loathsome in a sentence

1- There were no loathsome swamps or barren deserts.

2- Local police and traffic courts are loathsome to address the issue.

3- I perceived that without You everything is futile and loathsome .

4- The meat became loathsome –they grew tired of it.

5- You loathsome , despicable man! she was thinking.

6- He filled them with vile and loathsome speeches.

7- How loathsome isn’t a typical comic story.

8- But even among this company of loathsome individuals Dyer stands apart .

9- He looked loathsome with a smell of decay and death.

10- The party has been distilled to a loathsome and vile political entity.

11- The writ of assistance was a particularly loathsome form of general warrant.

12- Rajkamal would find such examples ridiculous and loathsome .

13- So the things they craved soon become loathsome .

14- The perpetrator is beyond redemption – loathsome , self-pitying, manipulative.

15- As Gabe detailed in this post, his character is loathsome .

16- Some people need meat; others find it loathsome or nauseating.

17- No better than a poor and loathsome beggar.

18- And in both cases it is loathsome and fundamentally anti-American.

19- In today’s economic climate, nuclear weapons have become loathsome money pits.

20- He could see everything in us that was loathsome and filthy.

21- I will not dwell any longer on so loathsome a proposal.

22- Michael , you are truly a loathsome example of a human being.

23- He stared back, his eyes very green in his loathsome face.

24- Things can be all these things and still be loathsome .

25- And its shaving and cutting is proven to be a loathsome act.

26- Or did you use the loathsome optical drive to copy the files?

27- Such a god , if existent, is a loathsome god.

28- The Master continues to be characterized as plausibly and perfectly loathsome .

29- SHe’s garbage: polluted, unclean, loathsome .

30- And it is a loathsome term, I detest it.

31- She is a loathsome garbage person.

32- I am no loathsome leper, look on me.

33- Why do we not loathe the loathsome ?

34- However, scalping Indians become loathsome to Buffalo Bill.

35- Rex turned to his loathsome double.

36- Hateful in day, she was loathsome to me in bed.

37- Like the radiotherapy, it started not too bad, and ended loathsome .

38- He became ‘more loathsome in my own eyes than a toad….

39- He flung her hands away from him as if they had become loathsome .

40- The saint loves his enemies, and treats loathsome beggars as his brothers.