lucidity in a sentence

– He is a marvel of lucidity and historical contest.

2- Users report an increase in lucidity and mental clarity.

3- However, the quality of lucidity varies greatly.

4- The message just leaps off the page with so much lucidity .

5- He held his own without any marked advance towards lucidity or variety.

6- To homogeneity are added lucidity of design and perfection of detail.

7- Through the moments of madness , there were snippets of lucidity .

8- Barrett found less than a quarter of lucidity accounts exhibited all four.

9- For a moment he looked at her with lucidity .

10- LDT is composed of exposure, mastery, and lucidity exercises.

11- She is senile, but does have moments of lucidity .

12- In the morning Roy experie a patch of lucidity .

13- Decisions can be phrased with a certain lucidity .

14- Periods of lucidity were interrupted by days and sometimes weeks of madness.

15- He had moments of relative lucidity , but never fully regained his faculties.

16- So there is much lucidity and information about salvation in the Bible.

17- Sometimes a singular memory shifts, transforming into or out of lucidity .

18- Diallo tells his tale with lucidity and poignancy.

19- He saw with bitter lucidity that he would marry Rose Brady now.

20- lucidity Letter, 7(2)67-78;1988.

21- The Horta still lifes show the same combination of complexity and lucidity .

22- While dreaming people regularly falsely believe that they are awake unless they implement lucidity .

23- Even in the undermining of lucidity .

24- Even in the dissection of lucidity .

25- He then proceeded to explain the sequence of the coup with admirable lucidity .

26- Seems I ‘ve been able to find moments of lucidity within this living nightmare.

27- The speech is a gem of lucidity on the subject of managed exchanged rates.

28- He was known for his flawless logic and lucidity of mind in both undertakings.

29- Has the Samana Gotama lucidity of wisdom?

30- The lucidity or obscurity of the result depends on the composer’s aesthetic ideals.

31- Another great newsletter, diamond-like lucidity , just like listening to good blues.

32- Dentistry then slips formally hardcore guidelines discouraged to the assimilative lucidity , cialis discount generic.

33- The former values mental lucidity while the latter is highly analytic and intended to sharpen awareness.

34- They are distinguished by lucidity of treatment and an undeviating adherence to the subject.

35- He proceeded to speak with extreme lucidity and the liveliest expression on his face.

36- The last example I ‘ll cite here is ‘Terminal lucidity ‘ and dementia.

37- Keep track of our lucidity procs from the Courageous Primal Diamond.

38- It could mean added years of lucidity and life for you or someone you love .

39- It is characterized by the clarity, lucidity , and thoroughness Redmond is known for.

40- The Lugano club begins the season excellently, but gradually it loses lucidity and game.