multinational in a sentence

The company is a subsidiary of a large, multinational corporation.

Israel’s fascinating multinational population is a mix of both East and West.

Find someone who has worked for a large multinational corporation.

He works for a large multinational corporation which deals in computer technology.

Studies show that 70% of the world’s coffee market is controlled by just four multinational corporations.

Some multinational corporations now have budgets which are bigger than the Gross National Products of most nations.

He is an important executive in a large multinational company and is extremely rich, but his family life is terrible because he is too busy to spend time with them.

multinational corporations must be challenged to pay their adult workers in developing countries a liveable wage so that children do not have to work to supplement their parents’ income.

633787 Some battle groups already have an exemplary multinational structure.

It follows the multinational‘s acquisition of brand Tequila Don Julio last week.

“We are the most multinational neighborhood in Europe!” one man in the crowd said.

The tentacles of multinational corporations like Chevron must pay tax wherever they unfurl.

Second, it should be noted that not all multinational employees will qualify as specialists.

March 2004 – American and French troops deploy as part of a multinational peacekeeping force.

Beijing has also sought the support from multinational Internet companies for cyber sovereignty.

“This archive shows the inner workings of an influential multinational corporation,” Assange said.

At least $775,000 of that total came from the Danish multinational pharmaceutical firm, Novo Nordisk.

Family farmers don’t have the marketing muscle of multinational corporate agribusinesses .