outage in a sentence

NB Power continues to report a number of outages around the province.

But the service has been hit by periodic outages since its inception.

No one has claimed formal responsibility for the Crimean power outage.

In Nova Scotia and P.E.I., there were no outages late in the afternoon.

The outage may also be affecting internet based AT&T land line service.

To report an outage in your neighborhood, contact IPL by clicking here.

Other areas around Toronto were also dealing with outages on Wednesday.

Tuesday’s storm caused brief power outages in several parts of the city.

Still, residents mentioned scattered outages in the PUD’s Facebook feed.

633108 So many outages from high winds causing power lines to come down.

This meant electricity outages for thousands of homes in Lincoln County.

Power outages have exacerbated the problem, shutting down water supplies.

The pilot knew about this outage but authorized takeoff, the report shows.

The outage began around 11:15 a.m. No, it is absolutely not time to panic.

The outage added support to oil markets already boosted by strike in Brazil.

Vendors at a market Abidjan, Ivory Coast, use candles during a power outage.

Many of the outages were brief, but some were longer and forced evacuations.

Powerful winds also knocked down branches and caused scattered power outages.

The outage affected the commonwealth’s population of more than 51,000 people.

It caused waves of up to 4 meters high, fires, power outages and broken dykes.

The length of Wednesday’s outages also is disconcerting, Gartner’s Litan said.

In Snohomish County, outages were affecting over 111,000 homes and businesses.

Caldwell, the Toronto investor, said the outages have to be put in perspective.

The outage will start at midnight Tuesday and last until 5:00a.m. on Wednesday.

757941 The number of outages fluctuated over the week as ice melted off the lines.

Homes were damaged across the entire region and power outages have been commonplace.

There is still no word on the cause of the outages, which started at about 2:30 p.m.

228411 Follow CBC NL on Twitter and Facebook to stay updated on outages in your area.

Many of the outages were in hard-hit Habersham County, where schools are closed Monday.

Similarly, NBCC announced it was closing its main campus due to the major power outage.

During that outage, some users reportedly even called 911 to report the network failure.

The outage began early Thursday morning after a fire broke out at the local power plant.

The storm, which began early on Tuesday has caused travel disruptions and power outages.

There are still thousands of outages reported as crews work to reroute power in the area.

More than 4,200 passengers endured power outages, overflowing toilets and food shortages.

On Friday he said it wasn’t clear whether damage from Sandy had caused this week’s outages.

Houston was hammered hard, with flooded roadways, stranded cars and extensive power outages.

Patterson says the July 10 outage is the only time the diesels have been called on this year.

These gusting winds also threaten power outages, even if the worst of them remain over ocean.

Power outages have become more recurrent worldwide because of earthquakes, storms, and floods.

In 2013, trading in options in Chicago was halted due to an outage caused by software probleMs.
Due to power outage, schools in the St. John’s Metro Region have a delayed opening of two hours.

However, NYSE and regulators say the outage was caused by a botched software update, not hackers.

Telephone networks typically have redundancies in place that limit the impact of massive outages.

It’s unclear what caused the outage, but Idaho Power said it likely originated in the Eagle area.

The point of sale register outage has been resolved, Starbucks spokesman Jim Olson told CNNMoney.

Metro 911 reports that the outage happened after a fire at a substation in eastern Kanawha County.

San Diego Gas & Electric reported several weather-related outages affecting hundreds of customers.

Commuter chaos at Boston’s Logan Airport as DC-area flights are delayed following radar outage pic.

The strength of the winds could damage trees and loose lawn items and cause sporadic power outages.