pick up the tab

How to use the word pick up the tab in a sentence

Why should the taxpayer pick up the tab for mistakes made by a private company?

And Obama personally picked up the tab .

Why should the tax payer pick up the tab ?

The American tax payers picked up the tab .

Who is going to pick up the tab ?

We shouldn’t be picking up the tab .

Who picks up the tab for that?

Nobody picked up the tab for me.

We hear that the president picked up the tab !

Consumers and workers, meanwhile, pick up the tab .

He wouldn’t pick up the tab for anyone else.

The NHS picks up the tab ,’ he says.

So, who should pick up the tab for their care?

That, or his team will pick up the tab .

This was done by simply picking up the tab in the air.

How awful for them , and us picking up the tab !

Who’s picking up the tab ?

The President picked up the tab ?

Having the other guy pick up the tab is usually a popular option.

ABM officials said the company picks up the tab for most health premiums .

You, however, are picking up the tab for their mandated use.

So it wants others — particularly consumers — to help pick up the tab .

Instead, it always sounds better to have someone else pick up the tab .

Let the gummint pick up the tab , they will just print more!

Erm we will pay we will pick up the tab for your hotel.

Do they expect him to pick up the tab when they go out ?

Make arrangements lead to the targeted destination and pick up the tab for the date.

If the loans don’t pay off, taxpayers have to pick up the tab .

MindFreedom didn’t pick up the tab , nor Robert Whitaker or Will Hall.

You could easily get enough votes to have someone else pick up the tab there too.

And it’s the taxpayer who has to pick up the tab for the difference.

Jackall picked up the tab .

Virtus picks up the tab .

Zipcar picks up the tab .

In addition, my company will pick up the tab for all legal and moving expenses.

Again, we help to pick up the tab through government social services and health care subsidies.

I bought my partners a round of drinks and picked up the tab for our lunch.

VA Linux Systems were kind enough to pick up the tab for dinner too, thanks guys!

Normally, developers paying a barrister to represent them at an inquiry must pick up the tab .

Never mind that the society would also pick up the tab for the potentially huge legal bills.

It is not acceptable to give one person flexible hours and make others pick up the tab .