prattle in a sentence

It’s better not to prattle on about meaningless things.

The more you open your mouth the more likely you are to put your foot in it.

Sometimes he would communicate with individual flints, a continuous admonitory prattle broken by sudden triumphant squeals.

1- The lawmakers prattle on about wanting greater continuity.

2- My mind must prattle on a million miles an hour unchecked.

3- The fat man loudly prattled unctuous apologies.

4- Republicans have no solutions for lowering healthcare costs only ideological prattle .

5- As you move through, a creepy voice prattles on.

6- The nonsensical prattle of Scientology is but one example.

7- A Radio One disc jockey prattled in the background.

8- All politicians like to prattle on about government.

9- How she must prattle by this time!

10- When they were prattling while they were prattling.

11- When they were prattling while they were prattling .

12- The mediocre will just prattle about the rhythm and rhyme.

13- At least tonight the girl wasn’t prattling about her vampire friends.

14- You can keep prattling Mattb but theres something you overlook .

15- And you prattle along with the prattlers?

16- Oh irony, this prattle yearns for you!

17- In it he established his later-famous ” Prattle ” column.

18- Celebrity writers prattle on about the after-parties.

19- First of all, this modern-day politically correct prattle is an infection.

20- Two characters come by , calmly prattling in the painter’s ears.

21- People prattle on to you about this or that.

22- Zeno had smiled and prattled cocktail-party talk.

23- So they’re all prattling away?

24- It also let’s your foolish prattle over-ride your self-edit function.