priorities in a sentence

You have to get your priorities straight.

Discussion question: What are your current priorities in life?
Generally, my priorities in life are first my family, and second my work.

My roommate has different priorities than me.

He doesn’t care if the apartment gets really dirty, but it really bugs me.

My business partner’s priorities are different from mine.

He’s only interested in making money, but I want to develop a reputation for quality.

He is a consultant to the pro-Obama super PAC priorities USA Action.

In an interview Monday, Haggie said both are significant priorities.

Meet confrontation with generosity, in a disagreement about priorities.

Think about what’s most important to you and make a list of priorities.

Capturing Basit Usman is number one on our list of priorities, he said.

6. With chronic pain comes new and different priorities and limitations.

But China’s changing priorities shows that Xiaomi, too, needs to adjust.

With a birthday approaching, he says he has other priorities these days.

Now, Cuomo says it is one of his main priorities to “save New York City.”

926904 What we are doing is identifying the priorities we will present.”””

“They are not focused on the priorities of the people in northern Alberta.

But when you get down to specifics, they tend to agree on five priorities.

It’s one of our priorities to solve those calendar challenges, he insisted.

We continue to urge the Stephen Harper to focus on these urgent priorities.”

As soon as something else is in the list of priorities, security is dropped.

But that shouldn’t stop conservatives from pushing their priorities, he said.

The most fundamental failing of our system is not recognizing those priorities.

The administration argued that the policy simply shifts enforcement priorities.

Energy and food security remains top priorities of the government said Christie.

Shelter, food and water (are) urgent priorities,” the aid agency said in a tweet.

What are your priorities for filling the gaps with POGO during the next two years?

579604 Rauner has shown no signs that he is willing to back the mayor’s priorities.

Bush said in a Tweet that the remarks were a sign of Clinton’s misplaced priorities.

Cameron included neither in five priorities he set out at the start of the campaign.

“Some of these priorities are going to have to be made at a societal level,” she says.

Nonetheless, Farnese also reviewed other priorities and answered constituent questions.

Wrong priorities Odessa provides an example of just how intact the old system still is.

Modi, who addressed environmental issues during his campaign, now has other priorities.

One of my top priorities is ensuring that our nation keeps our promises to our veterans.

And it warns a “diminished UN would constrain Canada’s ability to advance its priorities.”

Answer: No. New revenue will be needed to fund our key education and community priorities.

The FA Cup was not one of his priorities when he was in charge of Southampton last season.

856554 Those priorities need to include these vulnerable children on the cusp of adulthood.

T-Mobile chief marketing officer Andrew Sherrard told CNNMoney it’s a matter of priorities.

669660 That’s just where I see it and the point I’m at in my life and the other priorities.”

That, quite frankly, is one of our first priorities is to talk to (Maxwell), Schneider said.

It is perfectly fair for them to say we have a better way to meet these national priorities.

New Metro General Manager Paul Wiedefeld says that safety and reliability are top priorities.

393814 I think the most important priorities are those five, with terrorism being the first.”

It’s on these priorities and many more that New Democrats will make real and lasting progress.

Having many other higher priorities, I have ignored them and they have continued to go downhill.

Poverty and inequality push the priorities of young girls off their parents’ radars and budgets.

336444 I have so many more priorities as a father than I did before I had kids,”” said Kinnear.”

El-Sissi says his priorities are fixing the economy and battling a simmering Islamist insurgency.

Newly appointed President Ana Mari Cauce has said that raising salaries is one of her priorities.

For different experts, the priorities are variously educational, religious, economic or national.

If you are letting lack of sleep become a habit then you really have to evaluate your priorities.

“You have to start setting priorities:’ Do I really need that pizza or do I go to the cafeteria?’

And anyway, doesn’t the Parks Department have more pressing priorities for its already thin budget?

Topic: IT priorities Should enterprise architects intervene early in corporate digital initiatives?

Our plan is well thought out and we would like to continue to focus on our priorities, Chopra said.

In fact, Victoria’s Secret connects with women on a deeper level by understanding their priorities.

For the army, “the priorities were special forces and the airborne assault troops,” Keir Giles says.

Balancing priorities and proposing cuts has made this summer an especially heated one in Montgomery.

CBC recently shifted priorities to “mobile first” as part of its new strategy, ‘A space for us all.’

NHS England is working on making these priorities a reality for everyone who needs end-of-life care.

But the most dangerous foe the aircraft has is budget sequestration and shifting Air Force priorities.

Again, the admonition is about priorities in life.

Without planning and focusing on the priorities , it’s very easy to have prosperity become allusive .