sequestration in a sentence

This year, the federal sequestration means F-16s from Shaw Air Force Base will not be able to fly.

But it’s $31 billion less than Congress passed last March before automatic cuts known as sequestration took effect.

Have the federal budget cuts known as sequestration really impacted your ability to do business?

He said the pending automatic cuts known as sequestration were “driving in the background.”

Moreover, sequestration – with its blunt budget ax – was an idea that originated in the Obama White House.

sequestration is going to kill our nation, military, and private sector.

The bigger impact of sequestration was it just doesn’t allow you flexibility.

The company is in the midst of a cost-cutting campaign amid sequestration and budget pressures from the U.S. government.

The latest sequestration in the federal budget has led to a new round of investment cutbacks in non-military sectors.

Two big conversations were started on Twitter, both mentioning the term “sequester” or “sequestration.”

The budget also looks to change deep cuts, known as sequestration, that took effect in 2013.

For cropland management, countries could receive credit only for carbon sequestration increases above 1990 levels.

Carbon sequestration in agriculture and forestry: Water quality.

Wall made a presentation on carbon capture sequestration Tuesday morning.

What we have under sequestration or a long-term continuing resolution is a straitjacket,” he said.

The aide said the CBO counted $6.4 billion in sequestration cuts in its figure, while the House and Senate panel chiefs didn’t.

Rainier’s 2014 funding is rosier than last year, when sequestration forced a 5 percent across-the-board cut throughout the park service.

And the Murray-Ryan budget deal restored some, but not all of the defense money lost to the forced federal spending cuts known as sequestration.

But it is $45 billion higher than what would have been available had the budget talks fallen apart and forced a second full year of sequestration.

Malema, who leads the radical Economic Freedom Fighters party, had faced sequestration after a court declared him provisionally insolvent in February.

CO2 storage Main article: CO2 sequestration Various forms of storage sites have been conceived for permanent storage of CO2.

Reforestation, Avoided Deforestation and LULUCF Reforestation and reducing deforestation can increase biosequestration in four ways.

Shakur’s attorneys sought a new trial on the grounds that one jury member, John McGovern, had violated the jury’s sequestration order.

He promised to end “sequestration” defense cuts and restore U.S. military spending to earlier levels.

But the most dangerous foe the aircraft has is budget sequestration and shifting Air Force priorities.

He avoided sequestration of his estate and returned to England.

469728 Ocean biomass carbon sequestration * J.A. Raven and P.G. Falkowski (June 1999). 75.4828

Algae cultivation is under study for uranium/plutonium sequestration and purifying fertilizer runoff.

The National Union of Mineworkers also had to pay heavy fines and suffer sequestration.

There are many opportunities for the sector to contribute to emission reductions and carbon sequestration.

The budgetary terms, sequester and sequestration, mean that the Treasury Department will withhold or cancel a set amount of spending.