sporadic in a sentence

The downpours could slow the commute and bring sporadic airline delays.

Gunmen started shooting sporadically and then there was a loud blast, they said.

Five other people died Friday in sporadic artillery fire in the west of Donetsk.

sporadic unrest continued Wednesday with parliamentary elections due in two days.

391335 It has sporadically erupted since 2010, after being dormant for 400 years.

After sporadic clashes across the day, calm had returned as night fell at about 7pm.

9705 About four in five deaths were linked to chronic, rather than sporadic, exposure.

Earlier sporadic gunfire paused, to be temporarily replaced with an eerie, tense silence.

After an update last week, however, users noticed that the readings became more sporadic.

Police said the “sporadic” shooting began inside the club and spilled out into the street.

Infections, meanwhile, cause clear mucus and lead to more constant, less sporadic symptoMs.
sporadic gunfire continued to ring out from other areas of the capital early on Thursday morning.

Sanders proceeded to deliver his usual presidential stump speech over sporadic shouting from below.

The strength of the winds could damage trees and loose lawn items and cause sporadic power outages.

The U.N. peacekeeping mission later followed, and sporadic violence continues to trouble the region.

While homosexuality is illegal under Morocco’s penal code, the measure is only sporadically enforced.

There were only sporadic finds from the New Stone Age .

During 1946-50, there were sporadic agitations against Hindi by the Dravidar Kazhagam (DK) and Periyar.