swindler in a sentence

In our society, there are both honorable people and swindlers.

She went so far as to say that he was a swindler.

Fandorin hunts down a clever gang of swindlers.

Scott blasted Crist for his connections to a South Florida swindler.

swindler Toy Gallery “Burn rubber, not Energon.”

To punish the swindler, Takeshi created Magnegauss to infect the Cat Eye System.

Sidney Harry Fox, police mugshot Sidney Harry Fox (died 8 April 1930) was a British petty swindler and murderer.

One businessman claimed that in 2009, Shurtleff had offered him $2 million if he stopped trying to find a suspected swindler.

Egotistical as he was, the Emperor easily fell into the trap of two swindlers who claimed they could weave the most magnificent clothes imaginable.

Other westerners, Chakraverti said, on the other hand believe in spirituality but tend to put faith in a guru who is a swindler.

In our society, there are both honorable people and swindlers.

She went so far as to say that he was a swindler.

The swindler stops in and tries talking Grandma into selling her store immediately for very little money.

The swindlers had roped into a number of gullible persons.

She was a practised swindler and took advantage of the old man’s confiding nature.

He was victimized by swindlers.

That swindler inspired dislike in me.

She was the unwitting tool of the swindlers.

The canny Scotsman was more than a match for the swindlers.

In the meantime, most orchid still is bold-faced charlatan and swindler.

She has always preferred people to call a spade a spade.

9. Let’s call a spade a spade. This man is a swindler.