triumphant in a sentence

The players marched triumphantly across the field.

The athlete pumped his fist in the air, and yelled triumphantly.

The athlete thrust his fist in the air, and yelled triumphantly.

The triumphant army ruthlessly massacred any soldiers who surrendered.

Having scattered the enemy before me and triumphantly returned, this is how they would herald me.

The Canadian soldiers marched triumphantly into Holland to the cheers of thousands of Dutch people.

In July 1975, Nicaragua’s Sandinista rebel forces marched triumphantly into the capital city of Managua.

The athletes walked triumphantly into the stadium amidst the cheers of thousands upon thousands of fans.

The triumphant Czech hockey team was welcomed by thousands of fans after their 1998 gold medal victory in the Olympics.

Martin Luther King once said, “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.

That is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.

But the broker is also hopeful that the Competition Bureau will be triumphant.

She grabbed it, and waved it triumphantly, happy to prove that she was innocent.

The tone of its commentary, in press releases and in briefings, has been triumphant.

539743 On Thursday night, Ryan got to strut triumphantly past his broken-hearted ex.

For the spiritual leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, it was a triumphant trip.

A triumphant Dwight Ball speaks after winning the 2013 provincial Liberal leadership race.

Since Katrina, Evans has traveled a long road from tragedy to triumphant self-realization.

But parallel to this triumphant narrative, a startling number of people still live in abject poverty.

Sometimes he would communicate with individual flints, a continuous admonitory prattle broken by sudden triumphant squeals.

He proclaimed triumphantly, pulling himself up to his full five foot six inches, his face aglow .