ugliest in a sentence

Don made a girl cry at the party when he told her she was the ugliest girl in class.

A Yiddish proverb holds that the ugliest life is better than the nicest death.

That’s the ugliest dog I’ve ever seen.

It actually looks more like a pig than a dog.

CNBC, for one, listed the Aztek as one of its “10 ugliest Cars Ever.”

Surely it is one of the ugliest words ever, verbification at its most irritating.

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – A city at war, the Afghan capital is among the ugliest in the world.

She once found a video of herself on YouTube that called her “the ugliest woman in the world.”

That’s the ugliest prediction metric ever, at least in the eight years Goldman has been tracking it.

I was voted the ugliest person in class.”

“Compared to iOS, Android apps have some of the ugliest UI’s and confusing navigation I’ve ever seen,” the user writes.

Done World’s ugliest Smartwatch Huawei We see a lot of gadgets here at BGR.

He rebounded somewhat in December from one of the ugliest four-game stretches in history last year.

It recently came fourth in a KM poll to identify the town’s ugliest buildings.

It was one of the ugliest games I’ve seen in a long time, McCallum said.

Next on Patch » Summer Safety Survival Guide Saturday Smiles: World’s ugliest Dog; Huge Iguana Rescued; and GreatCatch!

Young said he toured one of 50 oilsands sites with his son and was shocked at “the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen.

Eckley’s self-imposed nickname is “the ugliest town in America.”

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) – A city at war, the Afghan capital is among the ugliest in the world.

March 26, 2007. Retrieved June 29, 2007. but S.H.E even called themselves “history’s ugliest girl group”.

Publicly quiet but privately vengeful, her animated beasts degenerate others into their ugliest forms.

She once found a video of herself on YouTube that called her “the ugliest woman in the world.”

Surely it is one of the ugliest words ever, verbification at its most irritating.