what else in a sentence

what else do you want?

Roger von Oech once said, “Take advantage of the ambiguity in the world.

Look at something and think what else it might be.

358991 In fact, what else can be Putin’s response to this challenge?

“I’ve had other people that have said to me ‘what else did you expect?

I don’t know what else we can do so these people don’t freeze, he said.

Find out what else is being added and all of the titles disappearing soon.

In the meantime give us some inspiration: what else would you be interested in?

Earlier this month, I visited Bordeaux to see what else the region could offer.

Now it’s going to be what else can we look for to keep this market moving forward?

If that’s not proof the movies are better, then we don’t know what else we can say.

We’ll be back on Thursday with our Weekend Planner column to help you plan-what else?

344276 I’m not sure what else I’ve got going on that people would buy the record for!

If it doesn’t, it’s hard to see what else Apple could possibly do to revive sinking sales.

We kind of started thinking, ‘I wonder what else has been going on,’ said Christina Dunlop.

what else will the Large Hadron Collider reveal as it begins work at nearly double the power?

I think that’s a question that we should all ask ourselves, what else are they supposed to do?

If I’d so easily missed the story because of a mobile distraction, what else had I been missing?

After all, what else in the world could possibly explain why an 18-year old might need a cellphone?

She said she had taped her Beanie Babies up and wanted to know what else she could do, Affonso said.