1- The absorbent copy paper is reasonably cheap.

2- This was done using acoustic absorbent material.

3- Some skin areas are much more " absorbent " than others.

4- Thin cotton socks are more absorbent for summer wear .

5- The boot may also contain shock absorbent padding for comfort.

6- The inner tube is coated with a thermal absorbent .

7- They are now much thinner and much more absorbent .

8- Therefore, engineers carefully choose the least absorbent materials.

9- Place an oil absorbent pad under the engine.

10- The absorbent lining then removes the small residue.

11- Carbon dioxide is heavily absorbent between 10 and 20 microns wavelength.

12- When warm, drain on absorbent paper.

13- If necessary, dry the potato slices with absorbent paper.

14- These loads are usually a wedge shaped piece of microwave absorbent material.

15- The shroud is coated inside with microwave absorbent material.

16- Remember to properly dispose of the absorbent material.

17- The highly absorbent papers that contain no sizing are designated waterleaf.

18- A major use is as an absorbent .

19- They 're thin, but really absorbent .

20- Place the floral material layered on absorbent paper in-between the boards.

21- Any porous or absorbent materials with mold need to be discarded.

22- The more absorbent the rocks the longer the protection will last.

23- The next morning the absorbent cloth and the perforated foil are removed.

24- Virtually any kind of absorbent paper will work.

25- absorbent wall cladding can sometimes present problems.

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