1- This alone made the forced abstention worthwhile.

2- A Board may enact rules governing how abstentions are counted.

3- There were 36 votes against , and 19 abstentions .

4- Eleven nations voted against, with 58 abstentions .

5- abstentions reached a record of 40%.

6- abstention from injury is the highest religion.

7- This reflected a large number of abstentions .

8- It was adopted by 75 votes to 20 and 40 abstentions .

9- It was adopted by 101 votes to none with eight abstentions .

10- The resolution was adopted with 14 affirmative votes and one abstention .

11- There were 12 abstentions , and no negative votes.

12- The size of the abstention vote was not disclosed.

13- God wants more than just abstention from bad things.

14- All in favour none against and no abstentions .

15- abstentions and invalid ballots shall not be counted.

16- Yes, unless a local rule of procedure prevents the abstention .

17- F emale abstention rates are very high in these countries .

18- No member of the Board may cast an abstention vote.

19- India's abstention this year has partially answered that question.

20- First, what were the reasons for such widespread abstention ?

21- The lower the social class, the higher the abstention .

22- abstention was exceptionally low, as well as protest votes.

23- All in favour there were none against and no abstentions .

24- abstentions and invalid votes do not count as votes cast.

25- In doing so, it controls for habitual abstention .

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