1- He changed from voting against to abstaining .

2- Is abstaining from one word really too much to ask?

3- Of course abstaining from wheat will help you lose weight .

4- The eye of the knowledge is abstaining from jealousy.

5- The Security Council resolution was approved in a 14-0 vote, with Russia abstaining.

6- It's unclear whether any other MPs who did not vote were abstaining, or just absent.

7- The day before, the House of Bishops had approved the resolution, 129-26 with five abstaining.

8- Reports said 230 lawmakers approved the legislation, with 63 voting against and five abstaining.

9- The vote in the Senate later Tuesday was 327 in favour, with 19 senators either abstaining or absent.

10- abstaining from a single cookie isn't going to make you look svelte and toned.

11- After such a abiding balderdash run even the a lot of abstaining-absent are now adage the market can continue to acceleration in dischargee of amounts that are more than 50 times balance.

12- Virtue does not consist in abstaining from vice but in not desiring it.

13- Virtue does not consist in abstaining from vice but in not desiring it.

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