1- He administers extreme unction, and solemnly pronounces absolution .

2- The ablative protocol was administered to 10 patients.

3- The ablative protocol was administered to 28 patients.

4- The courts administer the law.

5- His father administers some companies.

6- The mayor administers the affairs of the city.

7- A new principal is administering the school.

8- jakovThe Secretary of State administers foreign affairs.

9- The tests were administered by the professor's assistant.

10- The Cayman Islands have been administered by Jamaica since 1863.

11- The cream should be administered to the affected area twice daily.

12- This medicine should be administered only under the supervision of a doctor.

13- During the experiment, the drug was administered to a monkey, and the results were studied.

14- The teacher's assistant will administer the test, but it will be marked by the teacher himself.

15- In the ancient Minoan Empire, trade, industry and justice were all administered from the palace at Knossos.

16- The English Language Center administers a number of different long-term and short-term programs at the university.

17- To test if experimental drugs work, animals are given a certain illness, and the drug is then administered, and the effects studied.

18- The agency which administers food banks is planning to expand to create a larger organization to service all the needs of the homeless.

19- South Africa occupied the German colony of South-West Africa during World War One, and administered it as a mandate until after the Second World War.

20- Andrew Carnegie once said that surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community.

21- Andrew Carnegie once observed that surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community.

22- Almost 25 million pounds of antibiotics and related drugs are administered to farm animals in the U.S. every year in order to boost growth rates and prevent disease.

23- Cicero noted that a careful physician, before he attempts to administer a remedy to his patient, must investigate not only the malady of the man he wishes to cure, but also his habits when in health, and his physical consCicero once observed that a careful physician, before he attempts to administer a remedy to his patient, must investigate not only the malady of the man he wishes to cure, but also his habits when in health, and his physical cons694318 The charges against Slough are: administer a noxious substance.

24- "I will be there, and there will be an exam administered in our class.

25- On Aug. 28, 2010, DHE began administering the A+ scholarship component.

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