1- Their farms adjoin.

2- The two buildings adjoin.

3- There is an anteroom adjoining the library.

4- 'adjoining buildings are always a challenge to keep standing,' Bell added.

5- Now the adjoining buildings in Peterstrasse, an old street, are filling up.

6- I definitely did not want to have issues with the people in adjoining rooms much less the SPD.

7- The Northern Room adjoins Brownie Cottage.

8- The library now adjoins serene Adams Park.

9- He stayed with granny in the adjoining house.

10- But the lord of the adjoining manor was outraged.

11- Again, this can be dualized for the upper adjoint.

12- A former bowling green adjoins one of the buildings.

13- Other terminology encountered here is coadjoint (resp.

14- Please respect the privacy of the adjoining properites.

15- adjoining this are the Cavern Hole and the Abbot's study.

16- The Captain and Nanjunda, own adjoining estates in this region.

17- The living room and adjoining dining room are divided by an archway.

18- Some cities do share these responsibilities with an adjoining county.

19- It opened at the beginning of 1832 on land adjoining the Scots Church.

20- One hundred acres on the adjoining Balmain estate were leased to Loane.

21- The adjoining storage room serves as a health classroom and weight room.

22- Dually, if G is additive with a left adjoint F, then F is also additive.

23- The abbot's residence, still partly standing, adjoined the entrance-gate.

24- Any multiplication operator is a (densely defined) self-adjoint operator.

25- The adjoining Diving Village offers exhibits on pearl diving and fishing.

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