1- You can wait in the adjacent room.

2- The lake was adjacent to his house.

3- My hometown is adjacent to the ocean.

4- My home town is adjacent to the ocean.

5- I'd like you to get two adjacent rooMs. The post office is adjacent to the library.

6- Norway is located in Scandinavia, adjacent to Sweden.

7- The new police station has been built adjacent to the arena.

8- The post office is adjacent to the bus terminal in the old town.

9- On maps, adjacent countries are usually shown in different colors.

10- We can put your printer adjacent to your computer on the table here.

11- Find someone who lives adjacent to a park or shopping center.

12- adjustHe couldn't sleep because of the noise coming from the adjacent apartment.

13- There is a beautiful little park adjacent to the house we're going to buy.

14- Visitors' parking can be found adjacent to the main entrance to the apartment complex.

15- Nikos Kazantzakis once said that the doors of heaven and hell are adjacent and identical.

16- During the tournament, there will be a skills contest in a field which is adjacent to the stadium.

17- Discussion question: What do you think might be the pros and cons of living adjacent to an amusement park?In 1962, two Soviet spacecraft circled Earth in adjacent orbits, and were in visual and radio contact.

18- Norway's economic fortunes were boosted in the late 1960s by the discovery of oil and gas in adjacent waters.

19- The dining hall is directly adjacent to the lobby, or rather, from where you are, it's just three steps away?

20- The yard adjacent to ours has a lot of insects in the garden, and now they're coming and eating our vegetables.

21- Discussion question: Is it the responsibility of the government to ensure that all citizens have adequate food and shelter? adjacentOccupied by Britain in 1841, Hong Kong was formally ceded by China the following year, and various adjacent lands were added later in the 19th century.

22- Homeowners in the adjacent neighbourhood of Schmidtville are also upset.

23- The city also built a new field adjacent to the stadium at a cost of $500,000.

24- "Its triangular shape reduces casting shadows on adjacent residential buildings.

25- And that means not scheduling a nail appointment adjacent to your sweat session.

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